Eleonora SKYBA
D.Sc. in Philosophy, Professor (Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs), Ukraine

Ph.D. (Social philosophy), Lecturer (Institute of Languages and Media Anhui University of Finance and Economics), China

UDC 340.12

DOI :10.31733/2786-491X-2021-2-18-24

Keywords: public service in gender issues, gender inequality, gender identity, gender non-discrimination

Abstract. It is necessary to point out that our time is a time with the general topic of social changes that are inevitably impending on us. The modern era has its own unconditional features, the main of which are intensive pluralization, individualization, the value of everyoneʼs experience in the process of construction a general picture of the world, and the multiplicity of choices that a person did not have before. The task of the state policy is to provide opportunities for free development of the individual not only at the legislative level, but also to develop a mechanism for the practical implementation of the principles of gender non-discrimination.


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  9. Skyba, E., & Polishchuk, M. (2019). Legal Component of the Concept of Provision of public services. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 194-201.
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