D.Sc. in Business Administration, (Thinkers 50 Radar, Global Gurus Top 30), United Kingdom
UDC 140.8+658.5
DOI 10.31733/2786-491X-2022-2-64-69
Keywords: vision, leadership, goals’ achievement, strategy, management, business development, success.
Abstract. The article is devoted to actual problem of forming the clear vision as basic component for long-term success of the organization. Being an experienced manager or head of a company is not enough to be a true leader. Transition to a new paradigm of leadership and understanding of the world as dynamic, changeable, risky and complex stimulates the emergence of new concepts of leadership. Leadership vision is not only the ability to focus on the most important aspects of oneself or the business, but the ability to look much further ahead, beyond the horizons of strategic planning. Clear vision, mission and values form the basis for building the organization’s strategic foundation and allow to get the competitive advantages. Without a clearly defined vision and mission it’s impossible to specify the goals and strategy and to develop the effective action plan.
The concepts of “leader” and “leadership” are considered. Relationship with vision, mission, strategy, goals and action plan are discussed. Data of successful companies and borders for higher results achievements are analyzed. Concept of successful vision is formulated, features of successful vision are discussed.
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