Tetyana TESLENKO, Bijay Kumar KANDEL


DOI: 10.31733/2786-491X-2024-1-26-44


Abstract. The relevance of the research on the problems of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that Industry 4.0 is characterized by “a combination of technologies that blur the boundaries between the physical, digital and biological spheres” and represents a new revolution. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is based on the inventions of the Third, but its difference and main contribution lies in the combination of technologies that blur the boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize the contradictory nature of information and communication technologies (ICT) as a factor in the development of the information society in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The task of the research is to reveal the contradictory influence of ICT on the development of digitalization; to trace the transformation of Internet technologies and their impact on the development of “digital twins”; to find out the main contradictory trends in the development of digitalization in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The object of the research is the contradictory nature of ICT as a factor in the development of the information society in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The subject of research is the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the contradictory nature of ICT as a factor in the development of the information society.

The authors use a system of methods and principles of scientific research – analysis and synthesis, abstraction, historical and logical, which allowed us to conceptualize the contradictory nature of ICT as a factor in the development of the information society in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

As research result, it has been proven that, on the one hand, there is a statement that digital technologies will provide solutions to most of today’s economic and social problems, and on the other hand, scenarios prevail, according to which digital technologies will replace human labour, which will lead to a sharp increase in the level of unemployment with negative economic and social consequences. A digital twin, created by taking advantage of the improved technology, is an important method with its virtual reality infrastructure. A digital twin is used to analyze and simulate real-world conditions to respond to changes and improve processes. All this is further enhanced by technological advances in areas such as quantum computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual assistants, the Internet of Things, self-driving cars and drones, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, traffic and safety monitoring systems, renewable sources energy Therefore, we are trying to explain the process of information management, how it occurs, what it is based on, how modern trends in the development of “cyber-physical systems” connecting machines, computers and people are implemented. The assessment of the possibilities for creating new jobs through digitalization is contradictory. However, it is obvious that there will be significant opportunities in innovative IT services that require a high level of digital skills, and clusters around such services are already emerging in many countries. This means that digital technologies will be incorporated into projects related to health, education, agriculture, food security, basic infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, governance, social protection, financial services, etc. Digitalization is changing the economies of countries, but the specific scope and scale of these changes remain to be seen as they will be influenced by both technological development and political regulation.

Keywords: information, information management, ICT, information society, Fourth Industrial Revolution.


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